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Heartspace among the top in Resumé's evaluation of AI solutions for press releases
Martin Schori, Matilda Andersson, Mathilda Lundqvist, and Linn Grundberg undertake an examination of press releases composed by artificial intelligence. Image: ChatGPT/DALL-E / Press from Resumé
The consensus among journalists on press releases generated by AI is that the results can verge on the humorous. The question arises: will there be a future need for entry-level PR consultants if AI assumes these roles? Resumé conducted an experiment where AI was tasked with crafting press releases, which were then forwarded to bona fide journalists.
"There could be a degree of skepticism," one journalist commented. "It's undeniable that AI usage is on the rise," another added. They discussed what gives away a text as being penned by an AI.
Heartspace emerged as one of the superior solutions in terms of quality in this new landscape.