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Articles published here are drafted by Nirvana AI and edited by our editorial team. All texts are published based on independent editorial decisions and free from advertising. We cover the latest in AI and journalism and the world of startups and investments.

Common PR-mistakes
Image: Francisco De Legarreta C. Unsplash.
Common Public Relations Missteps and Misconceptions Companies Often Make, opinion piece by Heartspace founder Sohrab Fadai.

Start with PR
Image: Elena Mozhvilo, Unsplash
”PR is something that every company should start doing from day one. And when you grow and want to scale your business, you benefit significantly from the community you have built”, writes Heartspace founder Sohrab Fadai in an opinion piece today.
Three Digital Shifts: Kind, Quirky, and Quintessential

Understanding AI's Impact on Recruitment, Ways of Working, and Future Skills
Last Wednesday, I got an unexpected last-minute opportunity to join an insightful discussion hosted by BreakIt, stepping in for a panelist who unfortunately could not attend. I am very grateful to the moderator who recommended me after remembering me from another panel the week before. Here are some reflections from our exchange.