EU Sets Recyclable Packaging Rules

Photo, @purzlbaum on Unsplash

A new European Union rule mandates recyclable packaging by 2030. The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) aims to reduce waste from plastics and other materials. It requires uniform adoption across all EU member states.

According to Impact Loop, by January 1, 2024, Swedish restaurants, cafés, and festivals selling over 150 take-out meals daily must offer reusable packaging. By January 2026, this will extend to those selling 75 portions daily.

This legislation opens doors for sustainable packaging firms. Panter, specializing in reusable containers and tracking software, has expanded rapidly. CEO Clara Lidberg called the shift a “silent revolution.”

PPWR sets interim goals to cut packaging waste. These include banning single-use packaging in eateries by 2030, requiring recycled materials in new packages, and clearer recycling labels.

Companies like Biofiber Tech and Fibu, producing compostable materials, and Bower, an app rewarding users for recycling packaging, will likely benefit. The regulation impacts sectors like e-commerce and food services.

[Read more in this article in Impact Loop].

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