Guides, How-to, Heartspace users Sohrab Fadai Guides, How-to, Heartspace users Sohrab Fadai

Adding context to the AI

Adding AI-context in Heartspace is easy

Today we will take a look at how to add context for Heartspace AI so that it knows about your company, its campaigns, and the brand tone you use. Check out the demo and guide above.

You can customize each campaign

Remember to add context to each campaign you work with. In this way, you can experiment with and improve the relevancy of the AI’s responses. This gives you a bigger degree of freedom and lets you try out different things without having to change the context for every campaign at once.

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Columns, Opinion, Guides, Heartspace users Sohrab Fadai Columns, Opinion, Guides, Heartspace users Sohrab Fadai

Solving Problems with AI-Produced Content

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized content creation by opening new doors to generate content faster and more efficiently. Yet, many generative AI users grapple with integrating the technology into their workflow for marketing and PR purposes while maintaining high-quality standards.

The common challenges we often hear from users before they engage with Heartspace include the following:

"Our AI-generated content frequently veers into sales speak, straying off-brand."

"The texts feel off, but we're unsure what's wrong."

"We have heaps of generated content – but how should we utilize it?"

"We struggle to make it write in a journalistic style suitable for press releases and op-eds; it tends to excel at ad copy."

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